this is possibly a bee What is Bee Pollen if it's not turds? |
I don't know!
Seriously, I have no idea. It tastes sweet at first, and then it's turds. I do not want to eat it anymore. I wish I hadn't chosen this as my topic.
It has something to do with flowers.
I think bees fuck flowers??, or something. It is like pornhub but also like David Attenborough. (sp?)
(Signs will be posted about using the elevator, but contact Donald at 734 730 9348 if the task seems impossible)
Free! Bring snacks & drinks to share, & a dollar or two to help defray the cost of renting the roof of a tall building for summer evening breeze.
Gorgeous (some say shimmering) words by: (link to the source text)
Health benefits of bee turds
It makes you live forever
You are become a GOOOOOOODDDD
What can even hold your interest anymore? After the eightieth universe you create, it loses its thrill. After the eightieth universe you destroy, it loses its thrill.
Cower, mortals, cower!
Things that are not bee pollen
PumpkinsGolf balls
Other large, round objects